How Long Does a Normal Root Canal Procedure Take?

How Long Does a Normal Root Canal Procedure Take?

Sep 07, 2022

Do you have a stigma around undergoing a root canal? Advanced endodontic technology has enabled the procedure to take less time than before. As a result, root canal treatment in Oakland, CA, has become safer and more comfortable, allowing you to undergo a few appointments to save your natural tooth. In this article, we’ll look at the duration taken by your specialist to complete the procedure, the aspects considered, and your recovery period.

How Long Do Root Canals Take to Complete?

A root canal procedure requires about 30 to 90 minutes. there are several aspects to consider when assessing how long your procedure will take, including:

  • The number of teeth roots a tooth have depends on whether it’s an incisor, premolar, or molar
  • The severity of your infection
  • Position of your infected or affected tooth
  • Anatomy of your tooth root

Additionally, if your tooth will require a dental crown or filling after the procedure, the duration of your treatment can be prolonged. Your specialist may also recommend follow-up appointments after the completion of the procedure.

Why You Require a Root Canal

Your tooth may be infected by bacteria or inflamed, leading to severe pain on the jawline or internally. Further spread of the bacterial infection may be detrimental to your health. Your specialist will also examine for the following symptoms:

  • Chipped or cracked tooth
  • Swollen gum tissues
  • Color change on your tooth due to decay
  • The extreme sensitivity of teeth to cold or hot sensations
  • Persistent and severe pain
  • Dental abscess affecting your gum tissues
  • Presence of lumps underneath your tooth
  • Experiencing pain while chewing

It’s crucial to ensure your specialist examines for any signs of infection on your tooth root. You’ll require a root canal procedure if you are diagnosed with an infection or severe decay. Failure to undergo the process may lead to bone deterioration and adverse oral health issues.

How Many Session Does a Root Canal Take?

Root canal therapy focuses on eliminating infected pulp and dental filling to protect the tooth roots from further bacterial infection spread. The entire process may require one or two appointments based on the severity of your dental infection and how intricacy of your treatment. After assessment of your dental status, your endodontist will use the following root canal treatment stages:

  • Administering local anesthesia to numb the adjacent tissues to the affected tooth and alleviate pain during the procedure.
  • Drilling a hole to access the root canal’s affected pulp
  • Removal of infected pulp tissues and disinfecting the cavity to destroy bacteria or medication to control infection
  • Filling of your cavity or sealing it to restore your tooth functionality

How Long Would You Take to Recover After a Root Canal Therapy?

Advanced dental technologies have drastically minimized the duration of recovery from a root canal. As a result, you’ll experience discomfort that fades gradually. Following all the aftercare guidelines provided by your specialist after root canal treatment in Oakland, CA, is crucial—avoiding hard foods and observing proper oral hygiene after the procedure is vital. If your pain persists, you need to consult your specialist.

It’s prudent to consult your dentist on root canal issues and any complications that may occur after the procedure. Your specialist will guide you through the whole process before treatment. Additionally, your specialist will enable you to manage anxiety and ensure the equipment is safe for your oral tissues. A root canal saves your oral tissues from further spread of infection and safeguards your natural tooth roots from severe pain and damage. The procedure has long-term effects and minimizes the risk of undergoing extensive dental procedures.

Final Word

A root canal is a viable therapy for you if you have severe tooth decay or a painful cavity. All the root canal treatment stages are less painful and prevent your infection from the spread, which may cause deterioration of your tooth or the bone. The duration of your procedure varies with the severity of the tooth damage.

We recommend you undergo a root canal and avoid dental emergencies at Franklin Dental Care. Our specialist evaluates your dental and determines the duration needed for the entire procedure to be complete. Please don’t hesitate to visit our specialists for a root canal if you have severely decayed teeth.

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