Gum Disease Treatment in Oakland 

Gum Disease Treatment in Oakland 

Jan 01, 2020

When the gums are infected, your mouth is at risk of several other oral problems. For one, it gets very uncomfortable to get anything in your mouth done. Your oral health can deteriorate very quickly following gum infection.

Understanding Gum Infection

The infection of the gums results when bacteria and food residue cause damage to the gum tissue. Mostly, the infection attacks the pink parts of the mouth surrounding the teeth.

The infection of the gum tissue starts when bacteria and food debris mix over a long time. It mostly occurs when patients have not been intentional about proper dental hygiene. This allows the bacteria and food substances to settle in a sticky whitish substance called plaque.

Plaque build-up is the major cause of gum disease. It can be removed with a thorough and regular dental cleaning or dental intervention. If left for too long, it develops into tartar that cannot only be removed by a dentist near you. Other causes of gum disease include:

  • Smoking – frequent smoking of cigars and cigarettes can increase the risks of gum disease.
  • Tobacco usage – other than smoking, tobacco usage through chewing or sniffing can also increase the risks of the infection.
  • Excessive alcohol – alcohol will not only hurt your liver and throat, but it also affects your gums.
  • Genetics – if it is a condition that runs in your family, then you stand the risk of getting it.

Types of Gum Disease

The disease, like most other oral problems, happens in different stages. The stages differ based on severity. The types are:

  • Gingivitis – is the initial stage of gum disease. It starts if as a mild infection and goes on to a moderate level. At this point, gingivitis treatment can completely be neutralized without causing a lot of damage to teeth and bones.
  • Periodontitis – it is an advanced level of gingivitis. It happens when the infection of the gums has spread so far, causing other oral issues. Some of the problems that result from this severe stage of gum disease include, bad breath, bleeding gums, wobbly teeth, fractured bone structure, lose teeth, to mention a few. You will also notice the gum recession exposes the root areas of the teeth, compromising their stability. At this, only periodontal treatment in Oakland, CA, is your best shot at getting the necessary help.

What Entails Gum Disease Treatment?

The different stages of gum disease have different approaches for treatment. The more complex the infection is, the more advanced the treatment gets. This because the impact of periodontitis is significant for surrounding tissues, bones and teeth. Some of the treatments offered for gum disease include:

  • Plaque removal – given that plaque build-up is the major cause of infection of the gums, removing it is key for the treatment thereof. The process is carefully done by an expert to prevent causing further damage to the gum tissue. The plaque removal also includes tartar removal that can only be removed by a dentist.
  • Teeth cleaning – usually, this happens following plaque removal, to thoroughly get rid of other debris in other places of the mouth.
  • Antibiotics – some medication is given to patients to counter the pain that comes with the infection. It is also a way to neutralize the severity of the disease, including reducing the swelling and discomfort.
  • Surgery – gum surgery is important for extreme gum recession. The receding of gums happens gradually, starting from where the infection started. In time, it can wear out the gum tissue so much that it cannot be restored without surgery. The surgical process is used for gum grafting, to reinforce strength for the teeth.
  • Lifestyle changes – most of the things you may be doing routinely in your life increase the risks of gum disease, as earlier mentioned. It is why your dentist will advocate for lifestyle changes, including quitting smoking, excessive alcohol, to mention a few. You will also be advised to pick up your pace on regular teeth cleaning and flossing. Keeping your oral hygiene in check will prevent the build-up of plaque in the small quarters of the mouth, particularly between teeth. While at it, you will also need to consider better eating habits that will facilitate healing for your gums, as well as improve your overall oral health. This will also encourage biting exercises for your mouth. Since your bones and teeth will require reinforcement in strength, chewing and biting exercises can help with that. However, be careful to only indulge in what your dentist recommends.

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